My approach to men and women in my therapeutic work is similar and yet distinctly different.
Men and women can have very different needs.
Men often want to know how it works, to then get the appropriate “tool” and go for it on their own. They often express their uncertainty in regards to expressing and owning emotion and their positioning as a man in this changing society.
Men often just need to be heard, understood and delivered the right knowledge to move forward.
‘PIVOT MAN’ and ‘Emotional Mastery’ both, focus exactly on this – clear simple tools and knowledge to use easily in the busy life of a man.
The Body Mapping Process gives them a whole new ground to stand on, as it makes them aware of their positioning in their body as well as their society.
Women shine, when they truly connect on a deeper level. Feeling understood and expressing generates for most women joy and momentum. The exchange here is part of the therapy and for women commitment-control and staying in touch is often deeply desired to move though transformation.
Another aspect for some women is the question, what is womanly?
In a society where women work and operate in the same positions than men, many women find themselves exhausted and almost hardened by these demands.
Women require more diversity in their rhythm in order to feel alive.
And they often need to learn to center and set clear boundaries.
Body Mapping and ‘PIVOT WOMAN’ really address these demands, especially when we get to “Inner Posture”, which offers a kind of grid to remain centered.
The Body Nature approach to working with either men or women is an open approach.
There are certain similarities and certain differences between genders, but this remains always subject to the individual.
I aim to treat each person as their own, unique being and together we figure out the necessary steps to support them to be the best version of Themselves.