You are amazing

You are amazing!” an old lady calls out to me as I am jogging past her and the slow walking old dog trailing behind her. “Little do you know”, I murmur to myself as I give her a smile. This little scene happened last Monday morning early along the shoreline.

I finished my run and did my Yoga practice on the beach. I had a relatively late night the previous evening, dinner with friends and possibly that one glass of wine too many. I felt far from amazing and realised that the old lady saw something I didn’t see.


Then I reminded myself, that it is actually amazing that I am out here early doing what it takes to keep me aligned in my week, even though I much rather had curled up under my blanket for another hour or two.

Showing up in your day is the key to being your best.

Many people like me decline an honest compliment readily to put themselves down. It is indeed very easy to dismiss ourselves. Negative feedback is the most common self-talk that the majority of people have.

Compliments to the self are actually really rare in our days. Try it out, say to yourself in front of the mirror “I am actually really amazing.” and then feel into the resistance that arises. Words are signals as they carry their specific content they evoke images within our minds.

These images trigger emotions, which set off nerve responses, which encourage hormone production and cause responses in our body. Words are waves of energy moving through the body and into the world around us. Thus words have power.

Words can harm and words can heal.

What can you do?

Observe for one day how you talk to yourself and to others. As a wellness coach and yoga teacher, I often point out to clients that the words they choose to talk to themselves within their own mind have enormous power. People with a leaning to depression, for example, tend to often use self-deprecating language like ”I am really not good at this”.

Use positive language

Become your own friend and supporter in using positive language in regards to your own achievements. Notice that you are exceptional at many things and that you always do your best.

Also in human interactions language sets the tone for relationships. It is good to be aware of the ripples one creates in the world through words.


Yoga of speech

The yoga of speech is documented in the Yamas and Niyamas (Sanskrit, Yama: Universal morality Niyama: Personal observances) in Patanjaliis Yoga Sutras.
“The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali are 196 Indian sutras (aphorisms). The Yoga Sutras were compiled around 400 CE by Patanjali, taking materials about yoga from older traditions.” Wikipedia

They invite to practice to listen, to talk truthfully but gently. Often we are too busy interpreting what we hear and planning what we will say next, to be able to listen for real.

It is springtime a really good time to stimulate your self with positive energy. Start with your own inner dialogue this week, choose a loving conversation about your achievements and commit to showing up doing your best in all interactions. It is the mind that does most of the work, whatever the mind is focussed on will set the tone, so setting it on something amazing, something that delights you will go a long way.

Fill up with good, exciting or fulfilling things and nurture yourself and people around you with a compliment or a positive comment this week. Why not, it might cause a ripple effect you can’t yet foresee.

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